17 foton på exotisk design och inredning

John Mcdonald Co
John Mcdonald Co
John McDonald CompanyJohn McDonald Company
We brought a 1980's Boca style house into style with a whole house remodel. It features a classical Bermuda style exterior with clean white cottage details inside. Enjoy
La Belle
La Belle
Phil Kean Design GroupPhil Kean Design Group
This is a French West Indies-inspired home with contemporary interiors. The floor plan was designed to provide lake views from every living area excluding the Media Room and 2nd story street-facing bedroom. Taking aging in place into consideration, there are master suites on both levels, elevator, and garage entrance. The three steps down at the entry were designed to get extra front footage while accommodating city height restrictions since the front of the lot is higher than the rear. The family business is run out of the home so a separate entrance to the office/conference room is off the front courtyard. Built on a lakefront lot, the home, its pool, and pool deck were all built on 138 pilings. The home boasts indoor/outdoor living spaces on both levels and uses retractable screens concealed in the 1st floor lanai and master bedroom sliding door opening. The screens hold up to 90% of the home’s conditioned air, serve as a shield to the western sun’s glare, and keep out insects. The 2nd floor master and exercise rooms open to the balcony and there is a window in the 2nd floor shower which frames the breathtaking lake view. This home maximizes its view! Photos by Harvey Smith Photography
Cobbage Porch
Cobbage Porch
Structures Building CompanyStructures Building Company
This outdoor living space boasts the traditional Charleston blue ceiling and outdoor fireplace to entertain with views of the golf course. Photo by Holger Obenaus.
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Kanae Lot 1
Kanae Lot 1
GM Construction, Inc.GM Construction, Inc.
Inredning av en exotisk matplats, med beige väggar och ljust trägolv
South Beach
South Beach
Interior Concepts, Inc.Interior Concepts, Inc.
Photographer: Robert Brantley
Inspiration för ett stort tropiskt allrum med öppen planlösning, med vitt golv, vita väggar och klinkergolv i porslin
Punta del Este Beach House
Punta del Este Beach House
Baysix DesignBaysix Design
Inspiration för exotiska gästrum, med vita väggar
Sea Watch, Lake Ida, Delray Beach FL 2010
Sea Watch, Lake Ida, Delray Beach FL 2010
Andy Frame Photography
Idéer för ett exotiskt badrum, med ett fristående badkar, en hörndusch och vit kakel
LDL Interiors Lynn Lombardi Naples FL
LDL Interiors Lynn Lombardi Naples FL
Randall Perry PhotographyRandall Perry Photography
Randall Perry
Inspiration för en tropisk veranda framför huset
Tropical Home Bar
Tropical Home Bar
Foto på en liten tropisk linjär hemmabar med vask, med betonggolv, släta luckor, vita skåp, vitt stänkskydd, vitt golv, en nedsänkt diskho och stänkskydd i trä
Terrapin Villa Bedroom
Terrapin Villa Bedroom
Exotisk inredning av ett sovrum, med vita väggar
Spice Bay Siesta Key
Spice Bay Siesta Key
Clifford M. Scholz Architects, LLCClifford M. Scholz Architects, LLC
Greg Wilson, Greg Wilson Photography
Idéer för tropiska brunt badrum, med ett fristående badkar och marmorbänkskiva
Butterfly Beach Villa
Butterfly Beach Villa
Neumann Mendro Andrulaitis Architects LLPNeumann Mendro Andrulaitis Architects LLP
Ciro Coelho Photography
Inspiration för ett tropiskt badrum, med ett fristående handfat och ett fristående badkar
Noe Valley Residence
Noe Valley Residence
Moroso ConstructionMoroso Construction
AT6 Architecture - Boor Bridges Architecture - Semco Engineering Inc. - Stephanie Jaeger Photography
Bild på ett tropiskt badrum, med ett undermonterad handfat, släta luckor, skåp i mörkt trä, ett undermonterat badkar och vit kakel
John Mcdonald Co
John Mcdonald Co
John McDonald CompanyJohn McDonald Company
We brought a 1980's Boca style house into style with a whole house remodel. It features a classical Bermuda style exterior with clean white cottage details inside. Enjoy
John Mcdonald Co
John Mcdonald Co
John McDonald CompanyJohn McDonald Company
We brought a 1980's Boca style house into style with a whole house remodel. It features a classical Bermuda style exterior with clean white cottage details inside. Enjoy
Terrapin Villa Living Room
Terrapin Villa Living Room
Idéer för att renovera ett tropiskt vardagsrum, med vita väggar och en väggmonterad TV

17 foton på exotisk design och inredning

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