772 832 foton på modernt vardagsrum

Colmas väg 12
Colmas väg 12
Bjurfors SkåneBjurfors Skåne
Modern inredning av ett vardagsrum
Contemporary 3 Bed London Apartment
Contemporary 3 Bed London Apartment
Matthews Rea InteriorsMatthews Rea Interiors
Open plan living room was zoned using a textured pattern rug and a large L-shaped sectional sofa. Concealed storage ensures the room stays uncluttered, with cushions in various soft colours and textures adding comfort and interest
Best of Houzz 2025: Resultaten är här!
Client House
Client House
Interiors Joan and AssociatesInteriors Joan and Associates
Bild på ett funkis vardagsrum, med heltäckningsmatta, en bred öppen spis, en väggmonterad TV och beige väggar
Coastal Modern
Coastal Modern
Lindye Galloway InteriorsLindye Galloway Interiors
Chad Mellon Photographer
Modern inredning av ett stort allrum med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, mellanmörkt trägolv, en standard öppen spis, en väggmonterad TV, en spiselkrans i trä och brunt golv
View to hallway
View to hallway
MadeUp DesignMadeUp Design
Inredning av ett modernt vardagsrum
The Listed House
The Listed House
Simpson & VoyleSimpson & Voyle
This image features the main reception room, designed to exude a sense of formal elegance while providing a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. The room’s interior design is a testament to the intent of the company to blend classic elements with contemporary style. At the heart of the room is a traditional black marble fireplace, which anchors the space and adds a sense of grandeur. Flanking the fireplace are built-in shelving units painted in a soft grey, displaying a curated selection of decorative items and books that add a personal touch to the room. The shelves are also efficiently utilized with a discreetly integrated television, ensuring that functionality accompanies the room's aesthetics. Above, a dramatic modern chandelier with cascading white elements draws the eye upward to the detailed crown molding, highlighting the room’s high ceilings and the architectural beauty of the space. Luxurious white sofas offer ample seating, their clean lines and plush cushions inviting guests to relax. Accent armchairs with a bold geometric pattern introduce a dynamic contrast to the room, while a marble coffee table centers the seating area with its organic shape and material. The soft neutral color palette is enriched with textured throw pillows, and a large area rug in a light hue defines the seating area and adds a layer of warmth over the herringbone wood flooring. Draped curtains frame the window, softening the natural light that enhances the room’s airy feel. This reception room reflects the company’s design philosophy of creating spaces that are timeless and refined, yet functional and welcoming, showcasing a commitment to craftsmanship, detail, and harmonious design.
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Hitta de bästa inredarna och renoveringsproffsen på Houzz.
Villandry Circle
Villandry Circle
Hills & GrantHills & Grant
Photo: Lisa Petrole
Inspiration för ett mycket stort funkis allrum med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, klinkergolv i porslin, en bred öppen spis, en spiselkrans i trä, grått golv och ett finrum
Palo Alto Modern High Tech Home
Palo Alto Modern High Tech Home
Design Loft CompanyDesign Loft Company
Idéer för att renovera ett stort funkis separat vardagsrum, med beige väggar, ljust trägolv, en spiselkrans i trä, ett finrum, en bred öppen spis och beiget golv
Queenscorp Condo
Queenscorp Condo
LUX Design | Interior Design BuildLUX Design | Interior Design Build
A pale blue tufted sofa sits on a patterned area carpet, with a chrome coffee table bench, gold drapery and photo gallery wall above.
Inspiration för ett litet funkis allrum med öppen planlösning, med beige väggar, mörkt trägolv och brunt golv
Family Loft
Family Loft
ZeroEnergy DesignZeroEnergy Design
Modern family loft in Boston’s South End. Open living area includes a custom fireplace with warm stone texture paired with functional seamless wall cabinets for clutter free storage. Photos by Eric Roth. Construction by Ralph S. Osmond Company. Green architecture by ZeroEnergy Design. http://www.zeroenergy.com
Alexa Interiors LLCAlexa Interiors LLC
Bild på ett funkis vardagsrum
Wooden TV Unit Design
Wooden TV Unit Design
JNM CreatorsJNM Creators
Idéer för funkis vardagsrum
Lu Fitoussi-FindlayLu Fitoussi-Findlay
Idéer för ett modernt vardagsrum
Robinson St.
Robinson St.
Idéer för att renovera ett mellanstort funkis allrum med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, ljust trägolv, en standard öppen spis, en spiselkrans i gips och en inbyggd mediavägg
West Seattle New Build Design
West Seattle New Build Design
ULLE StudioULLE Studio
Foto på ett mellanstort funkis allrum med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, mellanmörkt trägolv, en spiselkrans i trä, en bred öppen spis och brunt golv
Smithtown Artisan Home
Smithtown Artisan Home
Aspect Design BuildAspect Design Build
Inspiration för stora moderna allrum med öppen planlösning, med ett finrum, vita väggar, ljust trägolv, en bred öppen spis, brunt golv och en spiselkrans i trä

772 832 foton på modernt vardagsrum

Putney House
Putney House
EMR ArchitectureEMR Architecture
Bild på ett funkis allrum med öppen planlösning, med ett bibliotek, grå väggar, ljust trägolv och en bred öppen spis
By J Design Group - Panels – Wall Paneling -  Miami Interior Designers – Modern
By J Design Group - Panels – Wall Paneling - Miami Interior Designers – Modern
J Design Group - Interior Designers Miami - ModernJ Design Group - Interior Designers Miami - Modern
Panels – Wall Paneling - Modern – Contemporary. Interior paneling is a great way to show off your personality while creating a warm and inviting feeling within your home. Your guests will be talking about your home for months to come. At J. Design Group, we offer turn-key projects where we incorporate the most modern materials for all types of paneling - from wood to high gloss, and everything in between. We can even create custom interior paneling to make sure the right mood is captured within your home. Whether you want to add the paneling to enhance your kitchen, bedroom, family room, or dining room, our team of experts will help you choose the right design and color. One of the best ways to bring an entire design together in your home is through the use of panels and with contrasting elements and textures, you can turn your home into the luxurious place you have always wanted it to be. We welcome you to take a look at some of our past paneling jobs. As you can see, paneling is a great way to decorate the interior of your home or office space. We invite you to give our office a call today to schedule your appointment with one of our design experts. We will work one-on-one with you to ensure that we create the right look in every room throughout your home. Give J. Design Group a call today to discuss all different options and to receive a free consultation. Your friendly Interior design firm in Miami at your service. Contemporary - Modern Interior designs. Top Interior Design Firm in Miami – Coral Gables. Panel, Panels, Paneling, Wall Panels, Wall Paneling, Wood Panels, Glass Panels, Bedroom, Bedrooms, Bed, Queen bed, King Bed, Single bed, House Interior Designer, House Interior Designers, Home Interior Designer, Home Interior Designers, Residential Interior Designer, Residential Interior Designers, Modern Interior Designers, Miami Beach Designers, Best Miami Interior Designers, Miami Beach Interiors, Luxurious Design in Miami, Top designers, Deco Miami, Luxury interiors, Miami modern, Interior Designer Miami, Contemporary Interior Designers, Coco Plum Interior Designers, Miami Interior Designer, Sunny Isles Interior Designers, Pinecrest Interior Designers, Interior Designers Miami, J Design Group interiors, South Florida designers, Best Miami Designers, Miami interiors, Miami décor, Miami Beach Luxury Interiors, Miami Interior Design, Miami Interior Design Firms, Beach front, Top Interior Designers, top décor, Top Miami Decorators, Miami luxury condos, Top Miami Interior Decorators, Top Miami Interior Designers, Modern Designers in Miami, modern interiors, Modern, Pent house design, white interiors, Miami, South Miami, Miami Beach, South Beach, Williams Island, Sunny Isles, Surfside, Fisher Island, Aventura, Brickell, Brickell Key, Key Biscayne, Coral Gables, CocoPlum, Coconut Grove, Pinecrest, Miami Design District, Golden Beach, Downtown Miami, Miami Interior Designers, Miami Interior Designer, Interior Designers Miami, Modern Interior Designers, Modern Interior Designer, Modern interior decorators, Contemporary Interior Designers, Interior decorators, Interior decorator, Interior designer, Interior designers, Luxury, modern, best, unique, real estate, decor J Design Group – Miami Interior Design Firm – Modern – Contemporary Contact us: (305) 444-4611 www.JDesignGroup.com
Indian Springs Ranch Residence
Indian Springs Ranch Residence
CLB ArchitectsCLB Architects
The Peaks View residence is sited near Wilson, Wyoming, in a grassy meadow, adjacent to the Teton mountain range. The design solution for the project had to satisfy two conflicting goals: the finished project must fit seamlessly into a neighborhood with distinctly conservative design guidelines while satisfying the owners desire to create a unique home with roots in the modern idiom.

 Within these constraints, the architect created an assemblage of building volumes to break down the scale of the 6,500 square foot program. A pair of two-story gabled structures present a traditional face to the neighborhood, while the single-story living pavilion, with its expansive shed roof, tilts up to recognize views and capture daylight for the primary living spaces. This trio of buildings wrap around a south-facing courtyard, a warm refuge for outdoor living during the short summer season in Wyoming. Broad overhangs, articulated in wood, taper to thin steel “brim” that protects the buildings from harsh western weather. The roof of the living pavilion extends to create a covered outdoor extension for the main living space. The cast-in-place concrete chimney and site walls anchor the composition of forms to the flat site. The exterior is clad primarily in cedar siding; two types were used to create pattern, texture and depth in the elevations. 
 While the building forms and exterior materials conform to the design guidelines and fit within the context of the neighborhood, the interiors depart to explore a well-lit, refined and warm character. Wood, plaster and a reductive approach to detailing and materials complete the interior expression. Display for a Kimono was deliberately incorporated into the entry sequence. Its influence on the interior can be seen in the delicate stair screen and the language for the millwork which is conceived as simple wood containers within spaces. Ample glazing provides excellent daylight and a connection to the site. Photos: Matthew Millman
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