28 foton på rustik matplats, med orange väggar

Warm Neutral Restaurant in Dulwich
Warm Neutral Restaurant in Dulwich
Oraanj Interior DesignOraanj Interior Design
The warm neutral restaurant creates an inviting atmosphere with its soothing neutral colour palette and cosy restaurant decor. Soft warm lighting enhances the space, making it perfect for a relaxed dining environment. The design incorporates natural materials and wood accents, reflecting a rustic restaurant design that adds to the charm. Comfortable seating arrangements invite guests to enjoy an intimate dining experience, while the earthy colour scheme and warm neutral tones contribute to a stylish restaurant interior. This modern dining space is ideal for casual dining, with carefully selected restaurant furnishings and restaurant wall decor that create a calming ambience. The addition of an outdoor dining space allows patrons to savour their meals in a serene setting, making it a trendy destination for food lovers.
Saunders Residence
Saunders Residence
Francis Garcia ArchitectFrancis Garcia Architect
Inspiration för rustika matplatser, med orange väggar, en standard öppen spis, en spiselkrans i sten och klinkergolv i terrakotta
Armstrong - Hardwood Hickory
Armstrong - Hardwood Hickory
The Floor CenterThe Floor Center
Idéer för att renovera ett mellanstort rustikt kök med matplats, med orange väggar, mellanmörkt trägolv och brunt golv
Crestwood Renovation
Crestwood Renovation
Alair Homes ClemsonAlair Homes Clemson
This gorgeous home renovation features an expansive kitchen with large, seated island, open living room with vaulted ceilings with exposed wood beams, and plenty of finished outdoor living space to enjoy the gorgeous outdoor views.
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual  & Chic corners
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual & Chic corners
Interior DesignerInterior Designer
This open area is designed as a multiple functional space as of dinning room and meeting room as well, with 80X150cm2 dinner table, a bar with wooden TV stands, surrounded by closets and bookcases. Guess how small this area is..... It's 13m2 only!
Trynity DeVries Interior DesignTrynity DeVries Interior Design
Inspiration för mellanstora rustika kök med matplatser, med orange väggar och ljust trägolv
Casa Rural "El patio de Valentina"
Casa Rural "El patio de Valentina"
Carmen Agulló. Fofografía.Carmen Agulló. Fofografía.
carmen agullo
Inspiration för ett mellanstort rustikt kök med matplats, med orange väggar och klinkergolv i terrakotta
01 Barcelona - Cocina abierta + Salón
01 Barcelona - Cocina abierta + Salón
Renova MeridianoRenova Meridiano
Idéer för en mellanstor rustik matplats med öppen planlösning, med orange väggar, ljust trägolv och beiget golv
Mountain Living-Rocky Mountain Homes
Mountain Living-Rocky Mountain Homes
Rocky Mountain Homes/Rocky Mountain Log HomesRocky Mountain Homes/Rocky Mountain Log Homes
Idéer för att renovera en mellanstor rustik matplats med öppen planlösning, med orange väggar och mellanmörkt trägolv
Great Outdoors Great Room
Great Outdoors Great Room
Teakwood Builders, Inc.Teakwood Builders, Inc.
A built-in bench seat in the informal dining area adjacent to newly constructed great room. Photos by Scott Bergmann Photography.
Inredning av en rustik mellanstor matplats, med orange väggar och ljust trägolv
East Hill Real Estate - Wayne
East Hill Real Estate - Wayne
Kingston Ko PhotographyKingston Ko Photography
Kingston Ko Photography
Inspiration för en rustik matplats, med orange väggar
Brightwater Lodge, Idaho Club, Sandpoint, Idaho
Brightwater Lodge, Idaho Club, Sandpoint, Idaho
Bitterroot Timber FramesBitterroot Timber Frames
James Mauri Photography
Bild på en mellanstor rustik matplats med öppen planlösning, med orange väggar, mörkt trägolv, en standard öppen spis och en spiselkrans i sten
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual  & Chic corners
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual & Chic corners
Interior DesignerInterior Designer
This open area is designed as a multiple functional space as of dinning room and meeting room as well, with 80X150cm2 dinner table, a bar with wooden TV stands, surrounded by closets and bookcases. Guess how small this area is..... It's 13m2 only!
Fairview II Home
Fairview II Home
Urban Street BuildersUrban Street Builders
Inspiration för ett mellanstort rustikt kök med matplats, med orange väggar och mörkt trägolv
Casa Rural "El patio de Valentina"
Casa Rural "El patio de Valentina"
Carmen Agulló. Fofografía.Carmen Agulló. Fofografía.
carmen agullo
Idéer för en mellanstor rustik matplats med öppen planlösning, med orange väggar och klinkergolv i terrakotta
Warm Neutral Restaurant in Dulwich
Warm Neutral Restaurant in Dulwich
Oraanj Interior DesignOraanj Interior Design
The warm neutral restaurant creates an inviting atmosphere with its soothing neutral colour palette and cosy restaurant decor. Soft warm lighting enhances the space, making it perfect for a relaxed dining environment. The design incorporates natural materials and wood accents, reflecting a rustic restaurant design that adds to the charm. Comfortable seating arrangements invite guests to enjoy an intimate dining experience, while the earthy colour scheme and warm neutral tones contribute to a stylish restaurant interior. This modern dining space is ideal for casual dining, with carefully selected restaurant furnishings and restaurant wall decor that create a calming ambience. The addition of an outdoor dining space allows patrons to savour their meals in a serene setting, making it a trendy destination for food lovers.
Karlbergsvägen 56
Karlbergsvägen 56
Robin Vasseghi
Inspiration för en rustik matplats, med orange väggar
My Project
My Project
JH Contracting LLC and PaintingJH Contracting LLC and Painting
Before painting this dining room.
Exempel på ett mellanstort rustikt kök med matplats, med orange väggar
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual  & Chic corners
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual & Chic corners
Interior DesignerInterior Designer
This open area is designed as a multiple functional space as of dinning room and meeting room as well, with 80X150cm2 dinner table, a bar with wooden TV stands, surrounded by closets and bookcases. Guess how small this area is..... It's 13m2 only!
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual  & Chic corners
Multiple Functions in Small Space with Casual & Chic corners
Interior DesignerInterior Designer
This open area is designed as a multiple functional space as of dinning room and meeting room as well, with 80X150cm2 dinner table, a bar with wooden TV stands, surrounded by closets and bookcases. Guess how small this area is..... It's 13m2 only!

28 foton på rustik matplats, med orange väggar

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