11 foton på skandinavisk matplats, med metallisk väggfärg

Projet NATIONALE | 19m² |  Paris 13e
Projet NATIONALE | 19m² | Paris 13e
NEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior DesignNEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior Design
Un coin dînatoire bucolique et romantique, souligné par un angle de papier peint géométrique gris argent et blanc, et des plantes suspendues qui viennent habiller cette table pour deux personnes, avec ces jolies chaises bistrot campagnardes.
Inspiration för ett minimalistiskt kök med matplats, med metallisk väggfärg, ljust trägolv och vitt golv
Scandinavian Dining Room
Scandinavian Dining Room
Bild på en skandinavisk matplats med öppen planlösning, med metallisk väggfärg och ljust trägolv
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Projet NATIONALE | 19m² |  Paris 13e
Projet NATIONALE | 19m² | Paris 13e
NEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior DesignNEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior Design
Un coin dînatoire bucolique et romantique, souligné par un angle de papier peint géométrique gris argent et blanc, et des plantes suspendues qui viennent habiller cette table pour deux personnes, avec ces jolies chaises bistrot campagnardes.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
Scandi Chic - Contemporary Interior Redesign in Historic Flat
This room used to be the son's bedroom, off the main living room. We completely redesigned the space planning of the flat, relocating the son in the very large ex-dining room, split into a bedroom for him and a study/guest bedroom off the living room, leaving this bright room, not only to open onto the balcony but to the main living room without partition. A much more cohesive and inviting entertaining and gathering space.

11 foton på skandinavisk matplats, med metallisk väggfärg

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