Modern inredning av ett litet en-suite badrum, med öppna hyllor, en dusch i en alkov, grön kakel, porslinskakel, vita väggar, klinkergolv i porslin, ett piedestal handfat, dusch med skjutdörr, vita skåp och grått golv
Fraley and Company
Fraley and Company
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 4.9 av 5 stjärnor37 omdömenVisa profil

House of Jazz

This is one of the smaller master bathrooms we've worked on, in scale with the rest of the home. But it features a large skylight and a just-fine floor plan-- both of which we kept. The custom asymmetrical (larger at the top) wall cabinet will hold so much more than their previous couple of drawers, and fits in a little funk in the space. There's a recessed medicine cabinet at the left wall that houses the daily necessities. Blackstone Edge Studios

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Wall to ceiling cabinet

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