Lusthus i trädgården: foton, design och inspiration

Classic: Shadywood
Classic: Shadywood
Harold Leidner Landscape ArchitectsHarold Leidner Landscape Architects
This private residence and backyard retreat in Dallas, Texas features an expansive natural pool and water feature with the addition of a new outdoor pool pavilion for outdoor entertaining. This new pavilion features detailed wood columns, a slate roof, stone fireplace, Big Ass fan, built-in seat benches and an outdoor shower on the backside. Lush landscaping and a personal putting green are also additional amenities provided to this outdoor space.
Rose-Covered Gazebo
Rose-Covered Gazebo
Donna Lynn - Landscape DesignerDonna Lynn - Landscape Designer - Yellow climbing rose on iron gazebo serves as focal point in rose and perennial garden. photo: Donna Lynn
Farmhouse Landscape
Farmhouse Landscape
Inspiration för en lantlig bakgård
Hitta den rätta lokala yrkespersonen för ditt projekt
Hitta de bästa inredarna och renoveringsproffsen på Houzz.
Unique Features
Unique Features
Burke Brothers Landscape Design/BuildBurke Brothers Landscape Design/Build
Rustik inredning av en bakgård i skuggan
Natural Transformation
Natural Transformation
Pristine AcresPristine Acres
Idéer för att renovera en vintage trädgård i delvis sol
Outdoor Living with Water Gardens
Outdoor Living with Water Gardens
Idéer för att renovera en rustik trädgård
My garden
My garden
Designed and photographed by Q. Le
Idéer för orientaliska trädgårdar, med naturstensplattor
Extensive European Style Home
Extensive European Style Home
Bear Creek LandscapeBear Creek Landscape
Bear Creek Landscape
Foto på en medelhavsstil trädgård i slänt, med naturstensplattor OUTDOOR SPACES OUTDOOR SPACES
Virtual Studio InnovationsVirtual Studio Innovations
Inspiration för en vintage trädgård, med naturstensplattor
Charles McClure, landscape architect
Charles McClure, landscape architect
Charles McClure -  Professional Site PlanningCharles McClure - Professional Site Planning
Inspiration för stora medelhavsstil bakgårdar, med en stödmur och grus
Japanisches Teehaus - Japanese teahouse
Japanisches Teehaus - Japanese teahouse
Saroshi - design of japanSaroshi - design of japan
Kleiner Japanischer Teepavillion, als zusätzlicher Platz außerhalb des Haupthauses. - Small Japanese tea pavillon, meant as a completion of living space outside the main house © Matthias Sinios - Saroshi Design of Japan
Ponds and waterfalls
Ponds and waterfalls
Garcia Rock And Water DesignGarcia Rock And Water Design
Garcia Rock And Water Design
Inredning av en klassisk bakgård, med en damm
Mediterranean Garden
Mediterranean Garden
Locksley GardensLocksley Gardens
Bild på en mellanstor medelhavsstil trädgård i delvis sol på sommaren, med en vertikal trädgård och marksten i betong
Quiet Retreat
Quiet Retreat
Howard Roberts
Exempel på en klassisk trädgård
Garden Bridge
Garden Bridge
Redwood Garden BridgesRedwood Garden Bridges
A Beautiful Arched bridge over your water garden or landscaped pond area offers a multitude of delightful Beautify your summer sunset or winter wonderland, beautiful handcrafted Japanese Garden Bridge for your pond, water garden or landscaped yard, they are waiting for you at 559-325-2597
Dukas Fountain
Dukas Fountain
Lewis  AquatechLewis Aquatech
Beautiful wall fountain and decking.
Exempel på en medelhavsstil bakgård
Cedar Gazebos
Cedar Gazebos
Backyard BuildingsBackyard Buildings
Quality Cedar Gazebos for the Perfect Backyard Getaway. We offer an attractive and affordable way to expand your outdoor living space. These structures are crafted from select tight-knot Cedar - providing natural decay and termite resistance. Harvested in Asia for more than 800 years, it's no wonder why we choose cedar to provide a long-lasting charm for backyard landscapes across America. Featuring unmatched quality and craftsmanship, our gazebos offer the perfect solution to create your own haven right in your backyard!

Lusthus i trädgården: foton, design och inspiration

CH+D mag's Fall 2012 Best Of Photos
CH+D mag's Fall 2012 Best Of Photos
Charleston Home + Design MagCharleston Home + Design Mag
The Citadel's Lt. General and Mrs. Rosa's Quarters One Backyard
Inspiration för en vintage bakgård
Stillwater Harbour Home
Stillwater Harbour Home
Tab Premium Built HomesTab Premium Built Homes
Zach Frailey
Idéer för en eklektisk bakgård
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