Inspiration för ett mellanstort vintage vit vitt kök, med en undermonterad diskho, skåp i shakerstil, blå skåp, bänkskiva i kvarts, grått stänkskydd, stänkskydd i keramik, rostfria vitvaror, vinylgolv, en halv köksö och brunt golv
White Birch Design, LLC
White Birch Design, LLC
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 4.8 av 5 stjärnor11 omdömenVisa profil

Modern Meets South Minneapolis | Minneapolis, MN

When the clients for this 1940's Minneapolis home came to us with their kitchen, they wanted to really make a kitchen they could be proud to come home to and entertain friends and family. With a Scandinavian focus in mind, we played with a number of different elements to bring the whole design together. The cabinets are painted a blue/gray color and the tops are a marble-like quartz. The backsplash is a simple, yet elegant, gray elongated subway tile that tucks up right under the floating shelves and upper cabinets. The floors are a wood-looking luxury vinyl plank. Finally the open shelves are made of reclaimed barn wood sourced from Minnesota. One of the focuses in this kitchen was to create a space for coffee. The coffee nook was specifically designed to accommodate the specific coffee maker the homeowners selected. Overall, we are completely in love with this look and how beautiful it turned out!
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