Stänkskydd för badrum: foton, design och inspiration

Diana Bier Interiors, LLC
Diana Bier Interiors, LLC
Diana Bier Interiors, LLCDiana Bier Interiors, LLC
Master bath extension, double sinks and custom white painted vanities, calacatta marble basketweave floor by Waterworks, polished nickel fittings, recessed panel woodworking, leaded glass window, white subway tile with glass mosaic accent, full glass shower walls. Please note that image tags do not necessarily identify the product used.
Mill Spring Modern Farmhouse
Mill Spring Modern Farmhouse
Altura ArchitectsAltura Architects
Clean and bright modern bathroom in a farmhouse in Mill Spring. The white countertops against the natural, warm wood tones makes a relaxing atmosphere. His and hers sinks, towel warmers, floating vanities, storage solutions and simple and sleek drawer pulls and faucets. Curbless shower, white shower tiles with zig zag tile floor. Photography by Todd Crawford.
Wren Cottage
Wren Cottage
Craft RenovationsCraft Renovations
Inspiration för små rustika brunt badrum, med ett avlångt handfat, träbänkskiva, en toalettstol med separat cisternkåpa, svart kakel, stenkakel, vita väggar och kalkstensgolv
Best of Houzz 2025: Resultaten är här!
Contemporary Bathroom
Contemporary Bathroom
Exempel på ett modernt badrum med dusch, med släta luckor, skåp i mellenmörkt trä, beige kakel, flerfärgade väggar, ett integrerad handfat och beiget golv
Grade Two Listed House Renovation in Deal Kent
Grade Two Listed House Renovation in Deal Kent
Toby Mallock Cin Rezende
Foto på ett industriellt badrum, med vit kakel, tunnelbanekakel, en dusch i en alkov, ett konsol handfat, vita väggar och mosaikgolv
Family Home, London
Family Home, London
Fiona Andrews InteriorsFiona Andrews Interiors
emma lewis
Inspiration för eklektiska toaletter
Idéer för ett litet modernt toalett, med ett väggmonterat handfat, spegel istället för kakel och vita väggar
Hitta den rätta lokala yrkespersonen för ditt projekt
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Irvin SerranoIrvin Serrano
© Irvin Serrano Photography, Hurlbutt Designs
Bild på ett maritimt grå grått badrum för barn, med ett undermonterad handfat, luckor med infälld panel, vita skåp, vit kakel, blå väggar och flerfärgat golv
Eclectic Mediterranean Bath
Eclectic Mediterranean Bath
Keeping InteriorsKeeping Interiors
Photo by Jim Bartsch
Foto på ett medelhavsstil badrum, med granitbänkskiva och mellanmörkt trägolv
Upper West Side Combo
Upper West Side Combo
The owners of this prewar apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan wanted to combine two dark and tightly configured units into a single unified space. StudioLAB was challenged with the task of converting the existing arrangement into a large open three bedroom residence. The previous configuration of bedrooms along the Southern window wall resulted in very little sunlight reaching the public spaces. Breaking the norm of the traditional building layout, the bedrooms were moved to the West wall of the combined unit, while the existing internally held Living Room and Kitchen were moved towards the large South facing windows, resulting in a flood of natural sunlight. Wide-plank grey-washed walnut flooring was applied throughout the apartment to maximize light infiltration. A concrete office cube was designed with the supplementary space which features walnut flooring wrapping up the walls and ceiling. Two large sliding Starphire acid-etched glass doors close the space off to create privacy when screening a movie. High gloss white lacquer millwork built throughout the apartment allows for ample storage. LED Cove lighting was utilized throughout the main living areas to provide a bright wash of indirect illumination and to separate programmatic spaces visually without the use of physical light consuming partitions. Custom floor to ceiling Ash wood veneered doors accentuate the height of doorways and blur room thresholds. The master suite features a walk-in-closet, a large bathroom with radiant heated floors and a custom steam shower. An integrated Vantage Smart Home System was installed to control the AV, HVAC, lighting and solar shades using iPads.
Seaport High Rise
Seaport High Rise
Elms Interior DesignElms Interior Design
Photography by Michael J. Lee
Idéer för att renovera ett litet funkis toalett, med släta luckor, grå skåp, grå kakel, glaskakel, grå väggar och ett fristående handfat
Luxury Ensuite Bathroom
Luxury Ensuite Bathroom
Simon Taylor FurnitureSimon Taylor Furniture
This luxury en-suite bathroom project was a complete conversion and transformation of an existing spare bedroom into a luxurious bathroom space in Soulbury, Buckinghamshire. The idea was to create an open plan, free flowing space including walk-through shower, free standing bath and twin sinks. The bathroom also had to be in keeping with the existing bedroom which was recently decorated and with the overall theme of the house which is decorated primarily in shades of grey with rich timber elements. The client also loved the look of the bookmatched marble shower enclosure in our Bierton show room but was concerned with the up keep of the stone. We were able to achieve everything the customer was looking for by using our own bespoke cabinetry combined with innovative porcelain marble effect tiles which could be bookmatched on the back wall. The floor tiles are also in the same pattern but are anti-slip which allows the floor to run seamlessly into the shower area. The free standing bath, originally white, was hand-painted by our expert painter to mimic copper and pick up the colours of the walnut bath wall which also incorporates a thermostatic control and shower outlet for the bath. The overall result is a dramatic, light, and open space. Perfect for spending hours relaxing in the bath or a refreshing shower under the waterfall shower head.
Goldmann BadmanufakturGoldmann Badmanufaktur
Der große Waschplatz wirkt durch die warme Beleuchtung und die natürliche Materialauswahl besonders wohnlich. Badewanne: Repabad Armaturen: CEA WC: Villeroy & Boch Waschbecken: Duravit Fliesen: KRONOS Glaswand, Waschtischplatte, Regal und Spiegel: Maßanfertigungen Fotos von Florian Goldmann
Roof Top Extension / Loft Conversion Old Portsmouth
Roof Top Extension / Loft Conversion Old Portsmouth
Westcott Construction LtdWestcott Construction Ltd
Matt Stevens
Inspiration för ett maritimt badrum, med målat trägolv
YOLK On The Inside - Brockman Ave
YOLK On The Inside - Brockman Ave
Suzi Appel PhotographySuzi Appel Photography
Idéer för funkis badrum, med ett fristående handfat
Historic Transformation
Historic Transformation
Morgante Wilson ArchitectsMorgante Wilson Architects
Morgante Wilson Architects designed this custom double mahogany vanity with glass legs. The floor is a black and white basket weave. Chicago's North Shore, Illinois • Photo by: Tony Soluri
Palo Alto Traditional
Palo Alto Traditional
ScavulloDesign InteriorsScavulloDesign Interiors
Paul Dyer Photography
Idéer för vintage badrum, med ett undermonterad handfat, vita skåp, vit kakel, tunnelbanekakel, mosaikgolv och luckor med infälld panel
Yellow House
Yellow House
Widing Custom HomesWiding Custom Homes
This custom estate home is a delightful mixture of classic and whimsical styles and is featured in Autumn 2012 edition of Michigan Home & Lifestyle. Photos by Dave Speckman

Stänkskydd för badrum: foton, design och inspiration

Master Bathroom
Master Bathroom
DiGiacomo Homes & RenovationDiGiacomo Homes & Renovation
Build: Rocky DiGiacomo, DiGiacomo Homes Interior Design: Gigi DiGiacomo, DiGiacomo Homes Photo: Paul Markert, Markert Photo Inc. Photo Credit: Susan Gilmore
Bad im Dachgeschoss
Bad im Dachgeschoss
Kirchgäßner GmbHKirchgäßner GmbH
Hier wurde die alte Bausubstanz aufgearbeitet aufgearbeitet und in bestimmten Bereichen auch durch Rigips mit Putz und Anstrich begradigt. Die Kombination Naturstein mit den natürlichen Materialien macht das Bad besonders wohnlich. Die Badmöbel sind aus Echtholz mit Natursteinfront und Pull-open-System zum Öffnen. Die in den Boden eingearbeiteten Lichtleisten setzen zusätzlich athmosphärische Akzente. Der an die Dachschräge angepasste Spiegel wurde bewusst mit einer Schattenfuge wandbündig eingebaut. Eine Downlightbeleuchtung unter der Natursteinkonsole lässt die Waschtischanlage schweben. Die Armaturen sind von VOLA. Planung und Umsetzung: Anja Kirchgäßner Fotografie: Thomas Esch Dekoration: Anja Gestring
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