Betongkonstruktion i Ashburn, VA.

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Ashburn / 50 km
115 av 72 experter
72 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Betongkonstruktion i Ashburn, VA.

Arete Construction Services
Betongkonstruktion i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor7 januari 2023
“Troy with Arete Masonry did a fantastic job building our patio! We came to him with a budget, and a dream- he listened carefully to my ideas, to my color palettes and helped me envision the perfect patio within budget. The work was completed skillfully and quickly, about three weeks during cold weather, and the end result is beautiful! He puts a high measure onto making the patio sturdy as well as perfecting the look. I couldn’t be happier with Troy and his work, in fact we’re working with him on a second job now! Highly recommend!”
HaiJoe Stamped Concrete Patios and Decks
Betongkonstruktion i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor8 september 2017
“Haijoe did a stamped concrete patio fwith a connecting walkway for a project of mine - they were knowledgeable, courteous and timely with their work and did an outstanding job for a very fair price. I highly recommend them!”
Salzano Custom Concrete
Betongkonstruktion i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 4 av 5 stjärnor31 januari 2014
“An old college girl-friend of mine sent me pictures of her patio and pool deck. This company did an amazing job! I had gone to visit her a couple years back. She lives in Virginia. I’m in Florida, but we’ve stayed close. I stayed with her and her husband at their house in Alexandria. They had a nice pool with a standard white concrete pool deck. After they had the pool deck done by Salzano Concrete, she was so excited to share pictures of her deck’s new look. I must say that CJ Salzano Custom Concrete did an amazing job. Granted, I have not seen the deck in person yet, but the pictures look great. I’m looking forward to my next visit up there to see the deck in person!”
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