Betongkonstruktion i Stallarholmen, Södermanlands län.

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Stallarholmen / 50 km
12 av 2 experter
2 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Betongkonstruktion i Stallarholmen, Södermanlands län.

Ursus mark & bygg AB
Betongkonstruktion i Stallarholmen, Södermanlands län.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor16 juli 2014
“I hired Ursus mark & bygg AB to construct and erect a pair of timber gates for the main entrance to my holiday property. The project included the detailed design of the gates and procurement of the material required. A quotation was made in advance after a visit from the contractor. The gates were constructed and erected and photographs of the finished work were provided to enable me to judge the end result. I then inspected the gates and had a follow up with the contractor.”
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