Design av uteplats i Ashburn, VA.

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Ashburn / 50 km
115 av 167 experter
167 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Design av uteplats i Ashburn, VA.

The Art of Landscape
Design av uteplats i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor24 februari 2016
“We hired Jane Luce to design a backyard living space and upgrade and redesign the front yard. Working with Jane has been and continues to b e a pleasure. We started working with Jane in 2011 and continue to seek her expertise as our spaces mature. She created original outdoor spaces that are customized to our lifestyle and personality. Moreover, she collaborated with us throughout the design process from concept to completion offering us different cost options and different phases of the overall design plan. Always professional, upbeat and detail oriented, she transformed our drab, unusable outdoor space into a work of art that we enjoy every single day. We couldn't be happier.”
Pristine Acres
Design av uteplats i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor23 januari 2013
“Pristine Acres has been a preferred business partner of IDA for several years now and has continued to perform outstanding work for our clients time after time. Mr. Steve Waldron and staff are professional; detail oriented individuals whose commitment to quality and client satisfaction is among the best. We do not hesitate to recommend this firm to our clients.”
SURROUNDS Landscape Architecture + Construction
Design av uteplats i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor14 juli 2013
“I hired Chad at Surrounds, because I was looking for someone who could transform our backyard into another area for entertaining. We trusted him. He worked closely with us to present and modify the designs. He let us know when things would not work. We wanted a football field for the kids, as well as covered porch for the back and stone patio /fireplace or the fall. The landscaping was to tastefully hide our close neighbors and provide a southern style charm with year round color and lots of green texture. It is gorgeous on all counts. They flattened the yard and stonework is perfect. We love it.”
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