Ljud- & Bildsystem i Annan.

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115 av 8 850 experter
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Utvalda omdömen för Ljud- & Bildsystem i Annan.

SAV Digital Environments
Ljud- & Bildsystem i Annan.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor5 juni 2017
“We've used SAV for both audio and visual home equipment and installation over the past few years. Excellent service. Excellent staff. Excellent follow up.”
Ljud- & Bildsystem i Annan.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor25 augusti 2015
“The Kozi Media Design team stands head and shoulders above all other Western PA vendors at seamlessly integrating todays relevant smart home technology into residential and business design/build as well as renovation projects. Their team is sensitive to adapting technology to fit lifestyle needs and are highly aware of the diversity of priorities and technology experience within a multigenerational family setting. Their core strength is in having a very deep understanding of the most current backend technology and bringing the necessary, appropriate and desirable features into your environment all with ease of use and high security measures. And, last but not least, the ongoing customer support that Kozi Media Design offers maintains your sense of confidence with adding more components to your installation. We've had positive and professional experiences with every member of the Kozi team and have been more than satisfied with our installation for the last two years.”
Ljud- & Bildsystem i Annan.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor9 maj 2016
“We have specified and installed many A/V products over the years, but Seura stands out with their excellent products and amazing customer service. As a custom integrator, products like Seura's differentiate us from other system integrators. Alan and his team have provided the highest level of custom service to my team.”
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