4 foton på kök, med bänkskiva i kalksten

South of France - Chicago, IL
South of France - Chicago, IL
PB Kitchen DesignPB Kitchen Design
Reminiscent of a villa in south of France, this Old World yet still sophisticated home are what the client had dreamed of. The home was newly built to the client’s specifications. The wood tone kitchen cabinets are made of butternut wood, instantly warming the atmosphere. The perimeter and island cabinets are painted and captivating against the limestone counter tops. A custom steel hammered hood and Apex wood flooring (Downers Grove, IL) bring this room to an artful balance. Project specs: Sub Zero integrated refrigerator and Wolf 36” range Interior Design by Tony Stavish, A.W. Stavish Designs Craig Dugan - Photographer
New French Country
New French Country
Kyle Hunt & Partners, IncorporatedKyle Hunt & Partners, Incorporated
James Kruger, LandMark Photography Interior Design: Martha O'Hara Interiors Architect: Sharratt Design & Company
Idéer för stora vintage kök, med en rustik diskho, bänkskiva i kalksten, en köksö, skåp i mörkt trä, mörkt trägolv, rostfria vitvaror, brunt golv, beige stänkskydd, stänkskydd i stenkakel och luckor med infälld panel
Grand Westchester County Estate
Grand Westchester County Estate
Robin Baron DesignRobin Baron Design
Antique light fixture and roosters from Robin Baron Collection
Foto på ett vintage kök, med bänkskiva i kalksten och stänkskydd i kalk
Jacobson Interior Design
Jacobson Interior Design
Jacobson Interior DesignJacobson Interior Design
Beautiful French country kitchen. Neirmann Weeks chandeliers, Cherner barstools
Klassisk inredning av ett kök, med luckor med glaspanel, bänkskiva i kalksten och stänkskydd i kalk

4 foton på kök, med bänkskiva i kalksten

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