Vardagsrumstapeter: foton, design och inspiration

Contemporary Tuscan Retreat
Contemporary Tuscan Retreat
Neela Woodard Design, LLCNeela Woodard Design, LLC
Eclectic formal sitting room in gold and blue. Andy Foster Photography
Idéer för små vintage separata vardagsrum, med ett finrum, beige väggar, mörkt trägolv och brunt golv
Modern & Fashionable Living Room
Modern & Fashionable Living Room
Fanny Zigdon InteriorsFanny Zigdon Interiors
Living Room with neutral color sofa, Living room with pop of color, living room wallpaper, cowhide patch rug. Color block custom drapery curtains. Black and white/ivory velvet curtains, Glass coffee table. Styled coffee table. Velvet and satin silk embroidered pillows. Floor lamp and side table. Photography Credits: Matthew Dandy
English Country House
English Country House
Dewson Construction CompanyDewson Construction Company
Foto på ett vintage vardagsrum, med en öppen hörnspis
Best of Houzz 2025: Resultaten är här!
J. Hirsch Interior Design Portfolio
J. Hirsch Interior Design Portfolio
J. Hirsch Interior Design, LLCJ. Hirsch Interior Design, LLC
Chris Little Photography DK Gallery
Idéer för stora vintage vardagsrum, med grå väggar
The Maryland - Masculine Moody
The Maryland - Masculine Moody
Kerri Fukui
Inredning av ett eklektiskt mellanstort allrum med öppen planlösning, med mörkt trägolv
An Adventurous Home - Great Room Detail
An Adventurous Home - Great Room Detail
Mitchell Channon DesignMitchell Channon Design
Modern forms and ethnographic elements create a crescendo to the day. Grouped with iconic Milo Baughman chairs, a sensuous white vintage Vladimir Kagan sofa pops against rich hues of copper and blue. Its curves are mirrored in a circular pendant fixture that centers the seating group and a custom-designed elliptical rug. Tony Soluri Photography
Hitta den rätta lokala yrkespersonen för ditt projekt
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Old Westbury Neoclassical
Old Westbury Neoclassical
This is the informal den or family room of the home. Slipcovers were used on the lighter colored items to keep everything washable and easy to maintain. Coffee tables were replaced with two oversized tufted ottomans in dark gray which sit on a custom made beige and cream zebra pattern rug. The lilac and white wallpaper was carried to this room from the adjacent kitchen. Dramatic linen window treatments were hung on oversized black wood rods, giving the room height and importance.
Inspiration för ett funkis vardagsrum
Multi-Purpose Room
Multi-Purpose Room
Toronto Interior Design GroupToronto Interior Design Group
This is a front room that the home owners use for reading, working and hanging out. Check out the beautiful mirror and wallpaper feature wall which alternates and is mounted on MDF which visually extends and expands the space.
Living Detail
Living Detail
Glass rings wall art by Michael Dawkins. White leather sofa by Romo. Silver pillows and matching silver/metallic-like/wave-like wallpaper are from ROMO. Lush silver area rug with custom ottoman/coffee table also with snake-skin ROMO fabric. Silver linen sheers feature a minor sheen. Modern dropped ceiling features contemporary recessed lighting and hidden LED strips.
Hollywood Residence
Hollywood Residence
Elizabeth GordonElizabeth Gordon
Idéer för ett klassiskt vardagsrum, med blå väggar och en standard öppen spis
NYC Residence - Brooklyn Heights
NYC Residence - Brooklyn Heights
Willey Design LLCWilley Design LLC
Klassisk inredning av ett vardagsrum, med blå väggar, heltäckningsmatta, en standard öppen spis och grått golv
Il Gioco Dei Contrasti
Il Gioco Dei Contrasti
Studio VeneziaTre arch assStudio VeneziaTre arch ass
Foto Roberto Pierucci
Bild på ett funkis vardagsrum, med vita väggar och mörkt trägolv
Cape Cod Seaside Primary Residence
Cape Cod Seaside Primary Residence
Hamilburg InteriorsHamilburg Interiors
Idéer för att renovera ett stort vintage separat vardagsrum, med ett finrum, mellanmörkt trägolv, gula väggar och brunt golv
Balham Restoration of Family Home
Balham Restoration of Family Home
CATO creativeCATO creative
Inspiration för moderna vardagsrum, med ett finrum, vita väggar, ljust trägolv och en standard öppen spis
Richmond Symphony House 2010
Richmond Symphony House 2010
Kathy MorganKathy Morgan
John Magor, Photographer
Inredning av ett eklektiskt vardagsrum, med blå väggar
Living Room with Beautiful Fireplace
Living Room with Beautiful Fireplace
California Home + DesignCalifornia Home + Design
Drama was added to this living room by replacing a the former traditional paneled fireplace with a white back-painted glass mantel and fireplace surround. Designed by Chloe Warner. Photo By: Matthew Millman for California Home + Design

Vardagsrumstapeter: foton, design och inspiration

Asian Living Room
Asian Living Room
Inspiration för asiatiska vardagsrum, med flerfärgade väggar och mellanmörkt trägolv
San Francisco 2017 Showcase House
San Francisco 2017 Showcase House
Margot Hartford PhotographyMargot Hartford Photography
Photo: Margot Hartford © 2017 Houzz Living Room: April in Paris Designer: Jonathan Rachman Design
Klassisk inredning av ett vardagsrum, med ett finrum, gröna väggar och en standard öppen spis
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