Vardagsrumstapeter: foton, design och inspiration

York Living Room
York Living Room
Marcye PhilbrookMarcye Philbrook
A light and airy perspective in a home that has low ceilings and limited natural light. Colors and mirrors were chosen to expand the walls and bring in the sun. Photo by
Regency Glamour Redux
Regency Glamour Redux
Pasquale Design Associates, Inc.Pasquale Design Associates, Inc.
A glamorous living room in a regency inspired style with art deco influences. The silver-leafed barrel chairs were upholstered in a Romo cut velvet on the outside and midnight blue velvet on the front seat back and cushion. The acrylic and glass cocktail table with brass accents keeps the room feeling airy and modern. The mirrored center stair table by Bungalow 5 is just the right sparkle and glamour of Hollywood glamour. The room is anchored by the dramatic wallpaper's large scale geometric pattern of graphite gray and soft gold accents. The custom drapery is tailored and classic with it's contrasting tape and silver and acrylic hardware to tie in the colors and material accents of the room.
San Francisco Decorator Showcase
San Francisco Decorator Showcase
Idéer för vintage vardagsrum, med grå väggar
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Heritage On The Garden
Heritage On The Garden
Elms Interior DesignElms Interior Design
Photography by Michael J. Lee
Exempel på ett stort klassiskt allrum med öppen planlösning, med ett finrum, grå väggar, mörkt trägolv och brunt golv
French Country
French Country
Frasier-Martis Architects, P.C.Frasier-Martis Architects, P.C.
Kurt Johnson
Idéer för separata vardagsrum, med beige väggar och mörkt trägolv
Cape Cod Seaside Primary Residence
Cape Cod Seaside Primary Residence
Hamilburg InteriorsHamilburg Interiors
Idéer för att renovera ett stort vintage separat vardagsrum, med ett finrum, mellanmörkt trägolv, gula väggar och brunt golv
Triplex Ile de La Jatte
Triplex Ile de La Jatte
am Alexandra Magneam Alexandra Magne
Crédit photos Lionel Moreau
Exempel på ett mellanstort skandinaviskt allrum med öppen planlösning, med ett bibliotek, vita väggar, ljust trägolv och en inbyggd mediavägg
Niagara Residence
Niagara Residence
Croma Design Inc.Croma Design Inc.
As featured in Style At Home Magazine, the fresh, white framed artwork adds contrast on the living room wall, and the gold tones of the artwork are harmonious with the warm colours of the room. Photo by Michael Graydon Photography
Modern & Fashionable Living Room
Modern & Fashionable Living Room
Fanny Zigdon InteriorsFanny Zigdon Interiors
Living Room with neutral color sofa, Living room with pop of color, living room wallpaper, cowhide patch rug. Color block custom drapery curtains. Black and white/ivory velvet curtains, Glass coffee table. Styled coffee table. Velvet and satin silk embroidered pillows. Floor lamp and side table. Photography Credits: Matthew Dandy
Living Room with Beautiful Fireplace
Living Room with Beautiful Fireplace
California Home + DesignCalifornia Home + Design
Drama was added to this living room by replacing a the former traditional paneled fireplace with a white back-painted glass mantel and fireplace surround. Designed by Chloe Warner. Photo By: Matthew Millman for California Home + Design
Chelsea Townhouse
Chelsea Townhouse
Emily Andrews
Foto på ett 60 tals allrum med öppen planlösning, med flerfärgade väggar, ett finrum, mörkt trägolv och en väggmonterad TV
Renovation global d'un appartement de 54m2
Renovation global d'un appartement de 54m2
Nicolas CorazzariNicolas Corazzari
Bild på ett mellanstort nordiskt separat vardagsrum, med flerfärgade väggar och mellanmörkt trägolv
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Fotograf Lisbet SpörndlyFotograf Lisbet Spörndly
Bild på ett mellanstort retro allrum med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar och ljust trägolv
Mr & Mrs SmithMr & Mrs Smith
Inspiration för små shabby chic-inspirerade separata vardagsrum, med ljust trägolv, en öppen vedspis, ett finrum, flerfärgade väggar, en spiselkrans i metall och beiget golv
Hollywood Residence
Hollywood Residence
Elizabeth GordonElizabeth Gordon
Idéer för ett klassiskt vardagsrum, med blå väggar och en standard öppen spis
LIVING ROOM | Contemporary Home Remodel | Century City Townhouse | Part One
LIVING ROOM | Contemporary Home Remodel | Century City Townhouse | Part One
This elegant 2600 sf home epitomizes swank city living in the heart of Los Angeles. Originally built in the late 1970's, this Century City home has a lovely vintage style which we retained while streamlining and updating. The lovely bold bones created an architectural dream canvas to which we created a new open space plan that could easily entertain high profile guests and family alike.
Loft Gare de l'Est - Paris 10e
Loft Gare de l'Est - Paris 10e
Atelier une ArchitectureAtelier une Architecture

Inspiration för moderna vardagsrum, med vita väggar och mellanmörkt trägolv
A music room and home office in this super cool and stylishly remodelled Victorian Villa in Sunny Torquay, South Devon Colin Cadle Photography, Photo Styling Jan Cadle

Vardagsrumstapeter: foton, design och inspiration

Greenwood Village Home
Greenwood Village Home
Andrea Schumacher InteriorsAndrea Schumacher Interiors
Bild på ett vintage vardagsrum, med beige väggar och skiffergolv
Lake of the Isles Renovation
Lake of the Isles Renovation
John Kraemer & SonsJohn Kraemer & Sons
Lake of the Isles Renovation Interior Shots. Photography: Landmark Photography
Idéer för små vintage vardagsrum
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