
The Wallpaper Revival

6 år sedan
senast redigerad:6 år sedan

Five years ago, if you’d Googled “wallpaper trends” you’d probably not come up with much – wallpaper was still passé. It conjured up images of 1950s suburbia or a drawing room from the Victorian era.

But today, you no longer need to wonder “Is wallpaper in style?” because it is everywhere – bigger, bolder and more unique than ever before! There are several reasons why wallpaper is back and being used in interior design.

The Wallpaper Appeal

The appeal for wallpaper has blossomed in the last few years, and it is showing no signs of withering away. “The interesting aspect about wallpaper today is that there isn’t one overriding trend,” explains Lorrie Hochuli, Interior Designer for Hochuli Design & Remodeling Team, LLC. “There is so much variety available that it really allows us to show off our personality and customize our homes.”

Gone are the subtle prints and colors. Wallpaper today is often big, bold and bright. Mary DeWalt, CMP, MIRM, President of Mary DeWalt Design Group, explains that she feels the resurgence in wallpaper is tied to another trend rebirth – Bohemian décor – a perfect blend of eclectic and fun.

According to Lita Dirks, CEO, Lita Dirks & Co., LLC, one of the reasons why wallpaper is such a hot trend is because “wallpaper adds comfort and warmth into our spaces. For so many years, we had such simple, clean designs – almost naked – and now people want to bring design character and personality back into their homes.”

Photo courtesy of Lita Dirks & Co., LLC

Dirks notes that the resurgence is occurring in two main areas: texture and drama.

Taken literally, textured papers create a focal point backdrop to a simpler, cleaner look. “Textured wallpapers add another sense to a room – touch – where you can feel the grass cloth, velvet or leather on the walls,” says Dirks. These papers add a tremendous amount of warmth and character to a space.

Texture can also be created by the wallpaper pattern itself. Natural stone, greenery and geometric shapes will add a splash of color and dimension to a room.

Photo courtesy of Lita Dirks & Co., LLC

Additionally, wallpaper can add drama. Whether an entire wall is papered or simply framed out, these huge images add the element of fun back into a home. “Whatever the imagery is, it’s bolder than life – wonderful large wallpaper patterns of leaves, flowers or geometric shapes,” explains Dirks.

In fact, that’s one of the greatest appeals of wallpaper for many consumers – the unlimited possibilities of choices. Wallpaper is now printed digitally, so one-of-a-kind designs can be created. Dirks notes, “In the past, designing your own wallpaper was too pricey for most consumers, but technology has made this option affordable.”

Another benefit to today’s wallpaper is that it no longer must be permanent – or at least long-term – as once was the case. According to Hochuli, “Wallpaper is much easier to remove, and for that reason, you’ll see more wallpaper being used in rental properties and dorm rooms.”

Modern Wallpaper Designs for Today’s Homes

Where is wallpaper being used? Perhaps the better question is, where isn’t it being used? Here are some places wallpaper is trending within the walls of our homes:

  • In smaller spaces, such as an office nook or powder room, where larger prints of traditional four-wall wrap expand the perceived square footage.
  • On focal point walls, particularly in bedrooms, where personality can be added with paper.
  • In hallways, which are being wainscoted with textured, or embossed, wallpaper.
  • On large walls, where wallpaper can serve as tapestry or art. Mural-styled wallpaper is also seeing a resurgence.
  • On staircase risers, for a subtle flair — or go bold by wallpapering the entire stairwell.
  • On ceilings, particularly in dining rooms and studies.
  • On open shelving, whether it is in the kitchen or on a bookcase.

Photo courtesy of Lita Dirks & Co., LLC

What’s next for wallpaper? Only time will tell – but it looks like this modern wallpaper trend is just getting started, and we’ll see even more creative prints, textures and applications in the coming year.

This post originally appeared in the NAHB Best American Living Blog, written by Tess Wittler

Kommentarer (18)

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    Five years ago, ten years ago, 50 years ago, ad infinitum….wallpaper has never been passé. There is a place in every home for wallpaper.

    Some designs have changed over the years, but a strie, tone on tone, stripes, etc can make a room brighter, warmer and coordinate with just about anything.

    I always have papered my bathrooms. Wallpaper is the one constant to work with when it comes to mixing different finishes and colors.

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    Wallpaper is the IN thing now days! You can really dress up a room with an accent wall, add some texture or metal tones. We love this stuff and more clients are wanting to incorporate this into different areas of their home.

  • 6 år sedan
    yeah sure okay. say that to people when they no longer want it and try to remove it....
  • 6 år sedan
    Ändrades senast: 6 år sedan

    We did some statement wallpaper in a hallway about 2 years ago. We are in a 100 year old house and spent many hours stripping wallpaper, so we made sure to use the proper process to make it as easy as possible to remove if we ever get tired of it.

    The problem with reviving this trend is that the skilled hangers all went out of business when it was out of favour for so long. We had a heck of a time finding someone who still hung wallpaper.

  • 6 år sedan

    My aunt loved wallpaper. In several rooms, she did each of the 4 walls in a different color of the same wallpaper pattern.

  • 6 år sedan

    Wallpaper is lovely and cozy but taking it down is a pain. I contemplated papering my current powder room but I dread the thought of having to remove it someday.

  • 6 år sedan

    Never again. Paint is so much easier, nice art or textiles on the wall. I am so over wallpaper.

  • 6 år sedan

    As long as i remember how hard it was to remove WP, it will not be considered as as option in the future, no matter how beautiful the papers. One exception might be grasscloth but still in the remote possibility department.

  • 6 år sedan

    There is not a place for wallpaper in my home. No offense meant, but to each their own...

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    The secret to easy wallpaper removal is to be sure you SIZE the walls before you put it up. And the drywall MUST be painted - never hand wallpaper on unpainted drywall.

    When it comes time to remove it, the key is big tarps on the floor, and lots and lots of hot water. Sponge on the hot water, go back and the paper should come right off.

    The biggest problem is that today so few houses have properly prepared walls for wallpaper and disaster ensues when it's time to remove it.

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    Wall paper is making a big comeback

  • 6 år sedan

    I hear ya- both sides of this discussion. I did paper my foyer/hallway.stairway with a beautiful tone on tone ivory stripe paper which still is stunning.......the only issue is that after 25 plus years some of it is not hanging great and also some has been marked up. I know for a painted staricase it would have had to have been repainted at least twice (probably more) in that time frame.

    However, we have had it removed in our kitchen and although the walls were sized, it was really quite a task (and we did not do ourselves). In a month or two I am having it removed from the hallway and am really dreading that ordeal.

    I really do love the look of paper and even maybe prefer it to paint- so much warmer and also less maintenance. ... but SO not looking forward to the removal and I hear most people say they would never want to remove it .

    I think in our next house I will be very hesitant to paper- probably limit it to powder room.

    But I am happy to hear it is inching its way back into be ok. Good point about finding wallpaper hangers though!

  • 6 år sedan

    I love a dramatic wallpaper in a powder room; also love grass cloth and would definitely consider it for my living room or dining room. Anthropologie often has fun wallpapers that make me want to wallpaper something!

  • PRO
    6 år sedan
    Ändrades senast: 6 år sedan

    It's great reading everyone's opinions on our wallpaper story. Thanks all for sharing!

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    We absolutely love an accent wall and have seen many homes and notably hair salons using wallpaper. But agree that it can be quite the commitment. It's best to chose a classic design and not follow trends too much. That way it will stay fresh.

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    Wallpapering Closets is starting to be a trend in some areas. While we have not done wallpaper in one yet, many other dealers in our network have and seeing it more and more often.

  • 6 år sedan

    The wallpaper trend hasn't made its way it to my area. I don't know anyone who has used wallpaper in a home around here in the past two decades since I've lived here. I recently looked up a few local painters to get our hallways and open areas repainted, and noticed the only mention of wallpaper on their websites is "wallpaper removal."

    I swoon over pictures of rooms with grasscloth wallpaper and would love to try it above the chair rail in our dining room and/or above the picture rail in our living room (we have cats so would need to keep it out of their reach), but I've read it can be very tricky to install and I don't know if we could find anyone qualified to actually hang it. I've never had to remove wallpaper, and based of some of the comments I've read hopefully I never will. If I ever do use it, I will be sure it gets installed in such a way that removing it won't be a horrible experience.

    Anglophilia, I would love to see some of the wallpaper you have in your home if you have photos you'd be willing to share.

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