
Cartridge Pleats

6 år sedan
I recently had some drapes made with cartridge pleats and they were made out of state and then shipped to our person to install. Were your's made locally for the client? I ask as mine did not have any packing agents helping keep the cartridge area rounded and there looks to be a crease in the stiffing/buckram where they should be rounded. Of course, it doesn't help that the fabric has a crease too over the buckram. Is this a common issue (and will come out in time with the weight of the drapes) and normal for these delicate drapes to be shipped in this manner? Trying to figure out if they were damaged in shipment and if this was customary. Thanks for any help and knowledge you can provide!
Simply Windows Draperies · Mer info

Kommentarer (2)

  • PRO
    6 år sedan

    They were shipped from an out of state workroom. They stuff the cartridges with foam and I never have a problem with them crushing the way they pack them.

  • 6 år sedan
    Thank you for taking the time to provide your experience and expertise! I am glad to know that yours shipped with foam.

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