Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Austin, TX.

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Austin / 50 km
115 av 2 214 experter
2 214 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Austin, TX.

BG Design
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Austin, TX.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor3 juni 2017
“When I work with vendors one of the most important things is they have heart... Brooke is one of the most heartfelt, caring, creative, appreciative Interior Designers I know. I have witnessed her working with clients and the attention to detail she provides them, the hours she puts into each project, and the value she brings is amazing and wonderful! She has great energy, is spunky, and always has a smile on her face and is fun to be around. I have also witnessed her handling an issue, she listens to what is needed and creates a solution that works ... this in itself is very important to me.”
Urbane Design
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Austin, TX.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor11 februari 2013
“I highly recomend her for for what she is doing. She is a great designer,she is alway on the top of the problems, she have the vision for everything.”
John-William Interiors
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Austin, TX.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor26 september 2015
“Hello, I don't know where to begin on this one. I have worked with John-William Interiors over the past 23 years, and I always come here for all my fine furnishings. Not only do they have the most beautiful furniture and accessories in Austin, and surrounding cities, they have the best service I have ever experienced in my life. I kid you not! My husband, Jack, and I have worked with John Snell each and every time we decide to buy furniture for our home, and we couldn't be happier with our entire experience. He carries the top of the line furniture, and is the best man to work with. He understands his customers needs, and we have enjoyed working with John. it doesn't get any better than John Snell and John-William Interiors. I have also been working with Kim Kenney for the past 6 months, a wonderful interior designer at John-William Interiors. WOW! did I luck out meeting her when I walked in to their showroom. Kim is the BEST! she has helped me transform the 17 year house we just bought into our private sanctuary. she not only listens, deeply cares, but she has this crazy talent of visualizing anything from start to completion. we have been the lucky recipients of Kim's passion and hard work. what a talent Kim has. i would highly recommend her to anyone who desires perfection, elegance and cozy all wrapped up together. did I mention that Kim is so much fun to work with too?! I couldn't be happier with the outcome of our home. LOVE IT! Cheers! Janine Tips (happy customer)”
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