Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i New York, NY.

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New York / 50 km
115 av 13 576 experter
13 576 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i New York, NY.

Victoria Mendal Interior Design
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i New York, NY.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor11 december 2017
“We Hired Victoria to work on the design of our synagogue. As we are a non for profit organization we were challenged with many constraints. She was able to ,not only design a magnificent house of worship but help us work within our budget. She was also extremely resourceful in helping us obtain the right materials for the project. Her sense of style, profesionalism and technical ability was a great asset to the committee .”
AHG Interiors
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i New York, NY.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor12 april 2015
“Stefania did an excellent job of transforming our garden shed into an artistic living environment both inside and outside. She made our post and beam into a beautiful, comfortable, usable creative space to be in. Outside, Stef morphed living tress and shrubs into a usable space. I couldn't believe how organic our new space is. I love her work!”
Inson Dubois Wood LLC
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i New York, NY.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor13 november 2014
“We have worked with Inson for years and know him from the beginning of his prestigious career as design director - his concepts are amazing - we carry a few of his custom pieces.”
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