
Living room setup - 4 entrances

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This is the current setup (not our furniture - this will be gone when we move in). There are 4 entrances: kitchen, balcony, hallway, bedroom. We have no furniture yet - what pieces would you buy? Where would you put the tv? Our style is very much a neutral palate (Scandinavian, beige, grey, natural wood, etc.). Thanks.

Kommentarer (5)

  • förra året


  • förra året

    Go for a smaller two seater sofa with couple of armchairs, it's easier to move around.   Ikea soft grey / beige sofa with wood arms is lovely in Scandinavian style.    Plus the thick knot rug they have.

  • förra året

    You could consider painting the black on the ceiling white, would help with the neutral look.

  • PRO
    förra året

    My version

  • förra året

    I like this! Hadn’t considered an l shaped sofa in the space like this


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