Inspiration för ett mellanstort 60 tals kök med matplats, med vita väggar och grått golv
Studio Z Architecture
Studio Z Architecture
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 4.8 av 5 stjärnor37 omdömenVisa profil

Chef's Kitchen

An 8-foot-wide addition to the end of this mid-century modern gem of a home designed by the well-known local modernist architect Robert Metcalf allowed the former galley kitchen to be enlarged and modernized. The eating nook and the kitchen were flipped, moving the kitchen closer to the garage and the eating area to the end of the house to take advantage of the gorgeous view. Clean lines, glass tile backsplashes, and a glass breakfast counter give the home an update that fits beautifully with the original architect’s design. The breezeway between the garage and the house was partially filled in to become a small mud room and a walk-in pantry. Contractor: D.A. Haig Contracting LLC Photos: Emily Rose Imagery
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