645 foton på skandinavisk matplats

АВИЛА. Студия интерьера и архитектурыАВИЛА. Студия интерьера и архитектуры
Idéer för en mellanstor skandinavisk matplats med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, klinkergolv i porslin, en standard öppen spis, en spiselkrans i metall och svart golv
Katarina MijicKatarina Mijic
L'espace salle à manger, avec la table en bois massif et le piètement en acier laqué anthracite. Chaises Ton Merano avec le tissu gris. Le mur entier est habillé d'un rangement fermé avec les parties ouvertes en medium laqué vert.
Inspiration för små nordiska matplatser med öppen planlösning, med blå väggar, ljust trägolv och beiget golv
Projet St André
Projet St André
Le Décor de JulesLe Décor de Jules
Vue salle à manger - après
Idéer för en mellanstor nordisk matplats med öppen planlösning, med gröna väggar, ljust trägolv, en öppen vedspis och en spiselkrans i metall
Projet Horizon
Projet Horizon
Bel Atelier - Décoratrice d'intérieurBel Atelier - Décoratrice d'intérieur
Réorganiser et revoir la circulation tout en décorant. Voilà tout le travail résumé en quelques mots, alors que chaque détail compte comme le claustra, la cuisine blanche, la crédence, les meubles hauts, le papier peint, la lumière, la peinture, les murs et le plafond
¡Bienvenido a Sant Joan Despi: Transformando Lo Nuevo en un Hogar Vivo!
¡Bienvenido a Sant Joan Despi: Transformando Lo Nuevo en un Hogar Vivo!
Estudio de Interiorismo Laura Martínez, S.L.Estudio de Interiorismo Laura Martínez, S.L.
Idéer för en mellanstor skandinavisk matplats, med beige väggar och ljust trägolv
Agence boÔboAgence boÔbo
Espace salle à manger ouvert et lumineux.
Idéer för mellanstora nordiska matplatser med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, klinkergolv i keramik, en öppen vedspis, en spiselkrans i metall och beiget golv
Roe Ave.
Roe Ave.
ALC InteriorsALC Interiors
Open plan living and dining room with panelled feature wall
Idéer för en mellanstor minimalistisk matplats, med vita väggar och ljust trägolv
Design Studio Zimenko YuriyDesign Studio Zimenko Yuriy
От старого убранства сохранились семейная посуда, глечики, садник и ухват для печи, которые сегодня играют роль декора и напоминают о недавнем прошлом семейного дома. Еще более завершенным проект делают зеркала в резных рамах и графика на стенах.
Projet NATIONALE | 19m² |  Paris 13e
Projet NATIONALE | 19m² | Paris 13e
NEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior DesignNEVA Architecture Intérieure - Interior Design
Un coin dînatoire bucolique et romantique, souligné par un angle de papier peint géométrique gris argent et blanc, et des plantes suspendues qui viennent habiller cette table pour deux personnes, avec ces jolies chaises bistrot campagnardes.
Boundary Waters Retreat
Boundary Waters Retreat
Albertsson Hansen Architecture and Interior DesignAlbertsson Hansen Architecture and Interior Design
Exempel på ett skandinaviskt kök med matplats, med vita väggar, mellanmörkt trägolv och en öppen vedspis
Eva Grove
Eva Grove
Studio Forma Interior DesignStudio Forma Interior Design
Amazing dinning space, open concept main floor connected with living room. Hand made custom table with epoxy inlay, custom made lighting and wall details.
Foto på en mellanstor minimalistisk matplats med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, plywoodgolv och beiget golv
Idéer för en mellanstor skandinavisk matplats med öppen planlösning, med grå väggar och mellanmörkt trägolv
Minimalistisk inredning av en liten matplats med öppen planlösning, med vita väggar, mellanmörkt trägolv och brunt golv
Brossolette - salle à manger
Brossolette - salle à manger
Des teintes de bois harmonieuses, des matériaux chaleureux, et une pointe de turquoise pour se démarquer dans cette salle à manger simple.
Nordisk inredning av en matplats, med gula väggar och ljust trägolv
Interior Design - Luxemburg Gardens Townhouse
Interior Design - Luxemburg Gardens Townhouse
My-Studio LtdMy-Studio Ltd
A table space to gather people together. The dining table is a Danish design and is extendable, set against a contemporary Nordic forest mural.
Inspiration för mycket stora minimalistiska kök med matplatser, med betonggolv, grått golv och gröna väggar
Brick feature wall Dining area
Brick feature wall Dining area
With a generous amount of natural light flooding this open plan kitchen diner and exposed brick creating an indoor outdoor feel, this open-plan dining space works well with the kitchen space, that we installed according to the brief and specification of Architect - Michel Schranz. We installed a polished concrete worktop with an under mounted sink and recessed drain as well as a sunken gas hob, creating a sleek finish to this contemporary kitchen. Stainless steel cabinetry complements the worktop. We fitted a bespoke shelf (solid oak) with an overall length of over 5 meters, providing warmth to the space. Photo credit: David Giles
Japandi Home
Japandi Home
SDA ArchitectsSDA Architects
After the second fallout of the Delta Variant amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in mid 2021, our team working from home, and our client in quarantine, SDA Architects conceived Japandi Home. The initial brief for the renovation of this pool house was for its interior to have an "immediate sense of serenity" that roused the feeling of being peaceful. Influenced by loneliness and angst during quarantine, SDA Architects explored themes of escapism and empathy which led to a “Japandi” style concept design – the nexus between “Scandinavian functionality” and “Japanese rustic minimalism” to invoke feelings of “art, nature and simplicity.” This merging of styles forms the perfect amalgamation of both function and form, centred on clean lines, bright spaces and light colours. Grounded by its emotional weight, poetic lyricism, and relaxed atmosphere; Japandi Home aesthetics focus on simplicity, natural elements, and comfort; minimalism that is both aesthetically pleasing yet highly functional. Japandi Home places special emphasis on sustainability through use of raw furnishings and a rejection of the one-time-use culture we have embraced for numerous decades. A plethora of natural materials, muted colours, clean lines and minimal, yet-well-curated furnishings have been employed to showcase beautiful craftsmanship – quality handmade pieces over quantitative throwaway items. A neutral colour palette compliments the soft and hard furnishings within, allowing the timeless pieces to breath and speak for themselves. These calming, tranquil and peaceful colours have been chosen so when accent colours are incorporated, they are done so in a meaningful yet subtle way. Japandi home isn’t sparse – it’s intentional. The integrated storage throughout – from the kitchen, to dining buffet, linen cupboard, window seat, entertainment unit, bed ensemble and walk-in wardrobe are key to reducing clutter and maintaining the zen-like sense of calm created by these clean lines and open spaces. The Scandinavian concept of “hygge” refers to the idea that ones home is your cosy sanctuary. Similarly, this ideology has been fused with the Japanese notion of “wabi-sabi”; the idea that there is beauty in imperfection. Hence, the marriage of these design styles is both founded on minimalism and comfort; easy-going yet sophisticated. Conversely, whilst Japanese styles can be considered “sleek” and Scandinavian, “rustic”, the richness of the Japanese neutral colour palette aids in preventing the stark, crisp palette of Scandinavian styles from feeling cold and clinical. Japandi Home’s introspective essence can ultimately be considered quite timely for the pandemic and was the quintessential lockdown project our team needed.
Matt Black Paneled Wall
Matt Black Paneled Wall
Airlie CarpentryAirlie Carpentry
The space was separated by a paneled matt black wall used for the dining area and a half round slat detailed wall accustomed for the lounge area.
Foto på en nordisk matplats, med svarta väggar

645 foton på skandinavisk matplats

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