Arkitekt i Washington D.C., DC.

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Washington D.C. / 50 km
115 av 3 815 experter
3 815 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Arkitekt i Washington D.C., DC.

Knu Design, LLC
Arkitekt i Washington D.C., DC.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor6 oktober 2020
“Scott was incredibly helpful, he explained a lot to me and gave me advice even after he knew I was not going to use him as an architect, he still took the time to make sure I was on the right track and told me things to ask the architect I was using instead to make sure my project was done right. The only reason I did not go with him was because the architect I originally got a quote from was less expensive because I was tweaking a design they had already created, versus starting from scratch. Otherwise I would have chosen Scott. He is a good person, very helpful and seems like an incredibly knowledgeable architect. I would recommend him for sure.”
Moser Architects PLLC
Arkitekt i Washington D.C., DC.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor3 mars 2016
“I recommended Moser Architects, PLLC to everyone looking to build or renovate in the DMV area. Sarah took our quaint Cape Cod home in North Arlington and made it into a beautiful home for a growing family. We told Sarah how we wanted to keep the charm and curb appeal that fit the neighborhood, and she surpassed our expectations. Our home could not be more functional thanks to Sarah's expertise, and we are always receiving compliments. Our open floor plan with large amounts of natural light could not be more perfect. If we ever take the plunge to purchase another home in NOVA in need of renovations, Sarah will receive the first phone call.”
reform, llc
Arkitekt i Washington D.C., DC.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor18 november 2016
“Matt Geist and reform,llc did an excellent job in designing our renovations. He had very creative solutions to the various problems that arose in the course of the construction. Matt presented unique design ideas that we would not have thought of on our own. He was very prompt on meeting deadlines and keeping the project moving forward. We are very happy with the renovation.”
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