Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Ashburn, VA.

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Ashburn / 50 km
115 av 3 948 experter
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Utvalda omdömen för Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Ashburn, VA.

Pierre Jean-Baptiste Interiors
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor19 november 2012
“I hired Pierre Jean-Baptiste Interiors to create a new look for our den. We needed new furnishings, accessories, lighting, and a fresh coat of paint. We are a family of four and we needed a timeless space to relax after busy work and school days. To my surprise the project turned out better than expected. They provided the electrician to come and replace my old hanging chandelier. The painters were on time and clean. After proposing a sofa that I was not 100% sold on, I went against my feelings to let them piece the room together and I could not have been happier with the selections. Thanks again!”
Storie Collective
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor14 mars 2021
“We worked with StorieCollective for a remote design of the open concept living/dining area of our Capitol Hill home. Sara was fantastic to work with and we were so pleased with the ease of the design process as well as the result. Our space had its challenges but she came up with an excellent floor plan that used the space in a smarter way than we would have come up with on our own. We were keeping a few existing pieces of furniture and the other design choices that Sara made worked well with what we already had. Sara was very easy to collaborate with and her choices for our home were spot on. I loved the ease of the clickable shopping list and the ability to reference both the space plan and design concept. I’m so happy that we worked with StorieCollective- our space is absolutely more functional, beautiful and well curated as a result.”
Carl Williamson Designs, LLC
Inredningsarkitekt och inredare i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor1 juli 2016
“During a transition time between full time work and future retirement, Carl assisted me in selecting the perfect fabrics and furniture for two very different styles of living - from Washington, DC to the Arizona desert. We began our work in the winter of 2015 and it will continue through the completion of my home in January 2017 and I am sure beyond. Carl's attention to detail, listening skills, and professionalism have made our work fun and stress free. Thank you, Carl!”
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