Landskapsarkitekt och trädgårdsdesigner i Ashburn, VA.

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Ashburn / 50 km
115 av 472 experter
472 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Landskapsarkitekt och trädgårdsdesigner i Ashburn, VA.

Landscape Concepts of Fairfax, Inc.
Landskapsarkitekt och trädgårdsdesigner i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor11 april 2016
“We have used Landscape Concepts continuously since 2012 for landscape services, mowing and routine maintenance and clean up. They are really good at minimizing any disturbance of surrounding plants when they are working. They keep our property looking as good as it can be. Their crews are excellent: thorough, efficient, respectful and responsive. Their clean up after working is always really great. They have planted, transplanted, and removed trees, bushes and other plantings at my exact direction (I'm very hands-on). While the cost to guarantee their plantings is high (60% of the cost of the plant material) it is the industry standard and Dale honors his guarantee with no-cost replacement. They do excellent hard-scaping (stone walls, brick and paver patios, etc). They are usually pretty prompt, but some seasons are pretty busy, so give yourself some lead time if you have a hard deadline. Dale is very knowledgeable, responsive, accessible and easy to coordinate with. I find a lack of continuity with landscape architects on staff, so it is helpful for you to have an idea of what you like or want when it comes to designing a space. I always keep a project plan with detailed notes and make progress updates. Credit card payment is not accepted.”
Pristine Acres
Landskapsarkitekt och trädgårdsdesigner i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor23 januari 2013
“Pristine Acres has been a preferred business partner of IDA for several years now and has continued to perform outstanding work for our clients time after time. Mr. Steve Waldron and staff are professional; detail oriented individuals whose commitment to quality and client satisfaction is among the best. We do not hesitate to recommend this firm to our clients.”
Hoppy Design & Build
Landskapsarkitekt och trädgårdsdesigner i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor29 mars 2021
“The Hoppy Team treats you like family. They are professional, extremely knowledgeable, and communicative. The peace that comes with knowing the best interest of your family and your home is being looked after is invaluable. We love hiring them! -Fairfax, VA”
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