Pool & Bastu i Ashburn, VA.

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Ashburn / 50 km
115 av 129 experter
129 Professionals

Utvalda omdömen för Pool & Bastu i Ashburn, VA.

Ed Ball Designs
Pool & Bastu i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor4 december 2015
“I have worked with Ed Ball and Exquisite Exteriors for over five years on several projects and their knowledge, experience, attitude, and ability to work well with sub contractors and homeowners is outstanding. Ed Ball and his staff are always professional and courteous of others and his integrity is first class. Ian Williams President/CEO Encore Custom Audio Video, LLC”
Lewis Aquatech
Pool & Bastu i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor30 oktober 2012
“Very profesional firm from conception to execution. The only full servie pool/landscape company that I would hire again! Highly recomended.”
COLAO & PETER Luxury Outdoor Living
Pool & Bastu i Ashburn, VA.
Genomsnittligt omdöme: 5 av 5 stjärnor21 september 2013
“Colao Stone & Design designed and installed two stone patios (one with a two foot semi-circle stone wall) and a full deck, complete landscaping and outdoor LED lighting. Colao acted as general contractor for the deck project and lighting, but performed all services relating to patios and landscaping. The stone wall contains a section that is capable of being expanded to include a fireplace in the future.It could not have gone smoother. Colao's principal designer, JR, designed the entire project, taking into account all of our needs and he helped us to envision the entire project using the latest technology and printouts. The quality of the stone and the construction of the patios and the wall was first rate. And they used a terrific subcontractor who constructed our deck using wood and composite decking materials that will likely outlast the house itself. It's a solid construction all around (you have only to walk on it to feel how solid it is). The lighting was designed for flexibility, so that we could add on over time; we've taken advantage of that and have installed additional LED lighting since the project was completed in 2010. The landscaping was done in a very professional manner and we've lost very few plantings since installation. Everything has grown in quite nicely and the whole side patio is just a very pleasant place to spend time. Joe Colao and JR were the nicest folks to deal with; they were always responsive to questions, they always answered their phones when we called them, and they solved any problems when they arose. All in all, it was the best experience that we have ever had with a contractor...and we've had quite a few experiences over the sixteen years that we've lived in this home. I would recommend Joe and JR to anyone who is looking for quality construction and outstanding service.”
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